In times when staying home and social distancing are strongly encouraged, it can be easy to lose touch with people you are used to seeing in your daily life. Talking to friends and family every day is an important factor in fighting off feelings of loneliness and isolation. While there are certainly challenges to seeing loved ones, there are also many ways for you to get creative in how you communicate with them.

Pen Pals

Never underestimate the power of a good old-fashioned letter! Not only is it satisfying to sit down and write out your thoughts, but also it is exciting for the receiver to open thoughtful mail instead of the usual bills, magazines, and junk mail. You may even opt for e-mail, which can help you to reach more people faster. Whether you want to write to a loved one, reconnect with an old friend, or even message with someone new, there are plenty of resources out there to help you get in contact with people who would love to hear from you!

Utilize Technology

Technology has been bringing people all over the world together, especially in recent months. It’s not just e-mail that can help you communicate. Video messaging and social media platforms are becoming increasingly popular, from live videos of events, virtual parties, and even chatting during meals, your computer, tablet, and phone can be your connection to friends and family no matter where they may live.

Outdoor Meet Ups

If you maintain a proper distance, wear a mask, and keep the group small, in-person meetups can be safe and fun in an outdoor setting. Not only is fresh air healthy and great for boosting your mood and your energy levels, but switching up scenery has benefits too, especially during long periods of being at home! Outdoor sports, dining outdoors, or taking a stroll through nature can be fun ways to break up the routine of isolation. You can always keep it simple by setting up chairs at an appropriate distance and just chat with friends or family.

Treat Communication Opportunities Like Real Plans

It isn’t just about the method you use to communicate; it’s about making sure you find the time and honor it. Catching up with friends normally requires planning, so keep that same mindset when planning out times to call or message someone. Try adding your scheduled hangouts – whether they are virtual or outdoors – to your calendar so you remember when they are and keep that timeframe open. If you see plans written down, not only are you less likely to forget about them, but it also gives you something fun to look forward to!

Get in Touch

Do you have a loved one currently with us at Riddle Village? Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve reached out to see how they’re doing? Now is the perfect time to use some of the tips above! For further information, contact Riddle Village at 610-891-3700, we’d love to talk!