For seniors, diet plays an important role in remaining as healthy and active as possible. As we age, our nutritional needs change and we must adapt in order to maintain our physical health. With a different metabolism and appetite at this stage in life, seniors should strive for a balanced diet that is easy to digest and high in vitamins. Below are some foods that are smart options to include in meals.

Chicken and Fish

To be an active older adult, it’s crucial to build strong muscles. One of the most important parts of a diet when it comes to muscular strength is protein. Lean meats and fish are great sources for getting the protein you need. Chicken can be prepared in different ways to offer you some variety, and there are several different types of fish that you can choose from for your source of protein. Salmon, trout, and tuna are just a few of options. These dishes contain several other nutrients that also offer health benefits, such as iron, vitamin A, and omega-3. [1]


There are many reasons why seniors do not get as much vitamin D as they need. Many people experience a loss of appetite with age or health conditions might be keeping them from going outside to enjoy some sunlight. [2] There are plenty of foods that are high in vitamin D and calcium. One group that is popular for getting these nutrients is dairy. A healthy amount of eggs, cheese, and yogurt can be an important factor in keeping your bones strong and preventing osteoporosis, a common condition in seniors.

Whole Grains

Did you know that a high-fiber diet helps maintain healthy intestines, lowers your cholesterol, and regulate blood glucose levels? [3] These benefits are especially important to seniors because intestinal issues and high cholesterol are common problems as we age. Whole grain foods are one of many great sources of fiber, and you have a lot to choose from in this food group. Multi-grain bread, brown rice, and beans are items you can incorporate into your meals. It is important to remember that because insoluble fiber absorbs water, you should also include drinking plenty of water in your diet. [3]

Fruits & Vegetables

Potassium serves many different purposes in maintaining a healthy body. It helps with metabolism, heart rate, and nerve and muscle function. [4] As we age, these parts of our health need to remain strong or it can impact our daily lives. Luckily, there is an abundance of foods that are rich with this nutrient. Fruits and vegetables have a high concentration in potassium and can be incorporated into any meal. Bananas, oranges, and cantaloupe are a few of the many fruits with potassium. You can also get potassium from vegetables, such as, broccoli, spinach, and potatoes.

Everyone’s nutritional needs are different. Based on your own medical history, weight, and age, you may need a different diet plan than someone else. Eating healthy is important at any age, and for seniors, it can be a huge factor in remaining strong and active. Remember to always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.
